5 Enterprise Data Features Within Contract Management Software

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    CobbleStone Software explores five enterprise data features within contract management software.

    For businesses across industries and sectors, managing enterprise data effectively is paramount to maintaining a competitive edge and business intelligence. With the exponential influx of data, organizations need robust solutions to manage, store, and utilize their information assets efficiently. One robust tool that has emerged to meet these needs is contract management software. This blog will explore how 5 cloud-based contract management software features can be instrumental in managing enterprise data and enhancing efficiency, compliance, and decision-making.


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    What is Enterprise Data?

    Enterprise data encompasses all the information created and collected by an organization. This data includes customer client information, financial records, payment card information (PCI), employee information, and, importantly, contracts. Proper oversight of this data is crucial for several key components.

    First, streamlined enterprise data management processes reduce redundancy and errors. Additionally, accurate data management virtually ensures adherence to legal and industry regulations. Next, information reliable data sources supports informed business decisions and strategy development. Finally, proper data management helps identify and mitigate potential risks.


    Key CLM Features for Enterprise Data Management (EDM)

    As promised, let's go over five enterprise data features within contract management software.


    #1: Centralized Repository

    Leading contract management software provides a centralized repository for all contracts, related documents, and metadata. This database virtually ensures that all contract data is stored in one central and searchable location - making it easily accessible and reducing the risk of data loss. Centralized storage also simplifies structured data management, allowing for standardized enterprise data formats and consistent data quality for various contracts and contract data types. One can easily follow the principle of extract, transform, load.


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    #2: Advanced Search and Retrieval

    Efficient enterprise data management necessitates the ability to quickly locate specific information. Leading-edge contract management software offers advanced search and retrieval capabilities, allowing users to find contracts and specific clauses or terms with ease. This feature is particularly useful during audits, compliance checks, or when addressing specific business queries. With advanced filtering options, saved searches, and more, users can be confident that they will find what they need quickly.


    #3: Automated Workflows

    Automation is a key element in managing enterprise data efficiently. Advanced contract lifecycle management software solutions support the creation and management of automated workflows to streamline the contract lifecycle, from drafting and approvals to renewals and compliance checks. By automating repetitive or tedious tasks, organizations can reduce manual errors, save time, and ensure consistency in their contract management processes. This reduced risk of error, efficiency, and compliance virtually ensures that important contract and party data is safe and accurate.


    #4: Compliance Management

    Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is paramount in enterprise data management. Contract management software helps organizations maintain compliance by providing visually engaging and prompt tools to monitor and manage regulatory changes. This level of oversight virtually ensures that all contracts adhere to the latest requirements. This functionality not only minimizes legal risks but also helps ensure that the organization operates within the bounds of the law.


    #5: Data Analytics and Reporting

    Data-driven decision-making is essential for modern enterprises. Thankfully, modern contract management software provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into contract performance, compliance, and risks. These tools - which include visually engaging dashboards and button tiles - enable organizations to generate custom reports, track key metrics, and make informed decisions based on accurate and timely enterprise data.


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    Benefits of These Enterprise Data Management Features

    There are several benefits of using contract lifecycle management software for enterprise data management. First of all, contract management software virtually ensures that data is accurate and consistent by centralizing contract data and integrating with other enterprise systems. This accuracy is crucial for the contract lifecycle, decision-making, compliance, and overall operational efficiency and improvement.

    Next, contract management software's compliance management features help organizations stay up-to-date with regulatory requirements and reduce legal risks. Automated alerts and notifications help ensure that contract renewals, expirations, and compliance checks are not missed, further minimizing enterprise data related risk.

    Additionally, automated workflows and streamlined processes significantly increase efficiency and productivity. Employees spend less time on manual entperise data entry and management, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks. With access to comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, organizations can make better-informed decisions. Real-time data insights allow for proactive management of contracts and identification of opportunities or potential issues.

    Most importantly, improved efficiency, reduced manual errors, and better risk management afforded by CLM software's enterprise data management features contribute to significant cost savings. Organizations can avoid costly compliance penalties, reduce administrative costs, hasten the contract lifecycle, and optimize contract terms for better financial outcomes.


    Success Story: CobbleStone Software in Action

    CobbleStone Software is an award-winning contract management software platform with the features above and more. To illustrate the benefits of CobbleStone Software for enterprise data management, consider the example of a large healthcare organization. The organization faced challenges with managing thousands of contracts with vendors, suppliers, and partners. Compliance with healthcare regulations was critical, and manual processes caused inefficiencies and errors.

    By implementing CobbleStone Software for enterprise data, the organization was able to:

    • centralize all healthcare and vendor contract data - include protected heath information - making it easily accessible and manageable.
    • automate workflows for contract approvals, renewals, and compliance checks for HIPAA BAAs (business associate agreements), managed services contracts, and care transfer agreements.
    • integrate healthcare contract data with their existing systems.
    • generate real-time reports and analytics to monitor contract performance and compliance.

    As a result, the organization saw a significant improvement in enterprise data accuracy, compliance, and operational efficiency. They were able to reduce manual errors, virtually ensure timely contract renewals, and make more informed strategic decisions based on accurate data collected and created.


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    *Legal Disclaimer: This article is not legal advice.  The content of this article is for general informational and educational purposes only.  The information on this website may not present the most up-to-date legal information.  Readers should contact their attorney for legal advice regarding any particular legal matter.

    Published: 07/12/24
    Sean Heck

    Written by Sean Heck

    Sean Heck is Content Marketing Manager at CobbleStone Software

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