Running a small business is hard work. It can be taxing on your mental health when it feels like the weight of the entire operation falls squarely on your shoulders. When tasks are in large supply, but staff, resources, and bank accounts are limited, the stress of owning your own small business can seem overwhelming.
Connie Egan

Recent Posts
How Contract Management Software can Benefit Your Small Business
By Connie Egan on 12/15/17
How to Manage an Underperforming Contract
By Connie Egan on 11/21/17
Contract management software from CobbleStone Software can go a long way towards cutting down the amount of underperforming contracts you have to deal with on a regular basis. When you deal with a large volume of contacts every day, there will always be one or two that just aren’t cutting it. Underperforming contracts can impact profits if not dealt with appropriately, so here are four tips you can use to handle a contract that isn't performing properly.
The Benefits of Contract Management Software – Pt. 2
By Connie Egan on 11/13/17
In our last post, we discussed two amazing benefits to switching to contract management software with CobbleStone. Manual contract management is a thing of the past. It adds unnecessary complications to your process and might even result in a loss of profits for your company. Here are three more benefits you will enjoy when you use our software to manage contracts:
The Benefits of Contract Management Software – Pt. 1
By Connie Egan on 11/2/17
Negotiating contracts can be a difficult process. Once you have determined the ideal parameters, you will want to make sure that you get the most out of the contract. With contract management solutions from CobbleStone, you can easily manage all of your contracts. Here are just two of the many benefits of our contract management software: