Reshaun Timmons

    Reshaun Timmons
    Reshaun Timmons is a Marketing Specialist at CobbleStone Software

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    Contract Risk Management - Breaking Down the Basics

    By Reshaun Timmons on 03/25/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    A proper legal risk management process is critical for the preservation of a healthy contracting process. Failure to adequately manage contract risk can be disastrous. Harmful contract risk oversights affect not only legal teams – but organizations as a whole.

    Your organization should work to avoid a breach of compliance, violation of contract terms, lost revenue, wasted time, lawsuits, and a damaged company reputation by addressing different types of contract risks. As such, let’s break down agreement risk management and how it can be maximized with contract management software.

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