CobbleStone Employee Focus: Melissa G., Customer Success Lead

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    CobbleStone Software interviews Melissa G, Customer Success Lead.

    Meet Melissa G., the Customer Success Lead at CobbleStone Software, who has been a member of the CobbleStone® family since June 2019. Recently, we interviewed Melissa about her experience at CobbleStone where she kindly shared some insights into her role as well as advice she has for those considering a customer service career in SaaS/contract management software.

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    In your own words, tell us a little bit about your role as a Customer Success Lead here at CobbleStone Software.

    Melissa: My role is to keep a human touch with our clients to serve them better. I try my best to reach clients at least quarterly to hear about how things are going with our system and how our CobbleStone team can help them with any area they want to learn more about. During client meetings, I listen to their needs, escalate priority items, and schedule the appropriate session needed, whether it be a new features demo, optimization session, or a work session. I work closely with our CobbleStone Client Experience Reps, our Customer Success Managers, and other team members to help our clients be as successful as possible. Another fun part of my role is sharing information about the valuable events we host, such as webinars, trainings, and conferences.


    What qualities do you feel are important to be a successful CLM Customer Success lead?

    Melissa: My most important qualities are listening, caring, and taking action. I also need to have great communication skills internally and externally, be reliable, keep a routine schedule, and be detailed.


    Can you describe a time you helped a client overcome a challenge?

    Melissa: A notable time was when I first started in this position. While making customer phone calls, a client shared that they needed some assistance with the software as they were still getting familiar with it. I assured them I understood their request and promised to share their feedback with leadership. It was enlightening and rewarding to see how the Implementation Specialist helped them navigate the system correctly, which resulted in their appreciation for CobbleStone's commitment and attentiveness to finding a smooth and efficient solution. It was the first of many empowering instances wherein I was able to liaise and be a part of the path to the customer's success.


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    What is your favorite part about being a Customer Success Lead?

    Melissa: This is tough because I have a lot of favorite parts! I really care about providing a great customer service experience for clients, so getting to speak with so many clients around the world and help them as a customer success lead is my favorite. Alongside that, I also enjoy getting to work with different teams internally, even if it is just for a short while.


    How do you stay up to date with CLM industry trends and technological advancements in contract management?

    Melissa: I keep up with social media content on platforms such as LinkedIn, read articles about the CLM industry, listen to what clients share when they speak of technological advancements, and join training/webinar sessions.


    What are your goals for this role, and how have you been working to achieve them?

    Melissa: My goal is to serve those on my team and the clients with a leadership mindset. For this, I always check how I handle situations and ask, “Who will this benefit?” and realign when needed. Another goal that I focus on is always to grow in my areas of weakness and take feedback with a positive and understanding attitude.


    What advice would you give someone just starting their career in customer service for contract management software?

    Melissa: Join real, live demos and work sessions, and learn as much as your brain can hold! Always do your best by listening and caring for clients and teammates. The old saying holds true many times: “I said this, you heard that.” Repeat what you believe you heard the client or team member share to confirm you heard correctly and take notes. Exercise brave communication and ask the appropriate manager for guidance if needed. Do your best to live with an unoffended heart, believe the best in everyone, and be a part of the solution.


    Make Your Case for Contract Lifecycle Management Software


    Now that you've learned more about the what it takes to be a Customer Success Lead at CobbleStone, want to learn more about CobbleStone Contract Insight? Book a free demo of our award-winning contract management, eSourcing, & procurement platform today!

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    Published: 08/23/24
    Simran Bains

    Written by Simran Bains

    Simran Bains is Public Relations Coordinator at CobbleStone Software