3 Steps to a Winning Supplier Management Strategy

    By Sean Heck on 10/17/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Procurement and supply chain professionals deal with an extensive and increasingly complex network of suppliers. These individuals can struggle with the inefficiencies of manual processes when managing contracts and tracking supplier performance. The lack of process centralization makes it difficult to keep tabs on each supplier's risk profile, delivery timelines, and quality standards. With fragmented documents and tedious spreadsheets, supplier base data can be prone to errors - delaying decision-making and risking compliance issues.

    Streamlining and automating these processes allows businesses to gain visibility, maintain high-quality standards, and foster supplier relationships for a healthier supplier management strategy. This ultimately supports smoother and more strategic supplier lifecycle management workflows. So, let’s fine-tune your supplier management strategy for centralization and success!

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    How To Utilize AI for Contract Review Processes

    By Sean Heck on 10/10/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in a business setting are important. According to a study performed by MIT Sloan Management Review, over 80% of organizations see advanced AI as a vehicle for strategic opportunity. Additionally, 85% of organizations view AI as a means for competitive business advantages.1

    This interest in – and implementation of – AI applies to legal professionals, in-house legal teams, and other contract managers as well. Manually managing and reviewing an ever-increasing number of contracts and legal documents of varying complexity is stressful and inefficient. But it does not have to be.

    Organizations can improve contract review and contract automation with AI-powered contract management software.

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    4 Important Contract Management Performance Metrics

    By Bradford Jones on 10/9/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    When managing contracts, performance monitoring is one of the most important ways to measure success.  With a large variety of contracts, all with different terms, it can be difficult to know how you should assess contract performance.  Luckily, you can boil down the success of each contract, no matter the complexity, to four key contract performance metrics. Read on to discover how contract management software can help you optimize four key contract performance metrics.

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    3 Reasons Contract Data Import & Export Are Easy with CLM Software

    By Sean Heck on 10/8/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract data import and export processes can be riddled with bottlenecks, including challenges with data accuracy, format compatibility, and manual effort. Tedious input and validation processes slow down workflows, especially when handling large volumes of contracts and associated documentation, increasing the risk of human error. But it does not have to be this way. Here are three reasons contract data import and export can be easy with contract management software.

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