Maximize User Permissions Oversight With Contract Management Software

    By Sean Heck on 12/18/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    If your organization is planning on leveraging contract management software, it is crucial that your team is aware of how to oversee user permissions effectively.  The terms of many contracts necessitate user permissions parameters to be put in place regarding access to contract documents, files, field data, reports, and more.  Manually managing user permissions with methods involving spreadsheets or unsecured folders, access that must be approved or restricted via disparate emails or other decentralized communication, or the nearly impossible task of managing different levels and stages of access as the contract lifecycle ensues can leave your organization at legal and regulatory risk.  Learn how to mitigate such risk factors and more with cutting-edge contract lifecycle management software.

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    6 Media Contract Management KPIs for Success

    By Joshua Hansen on 12/1/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Managing various types of entertainment and media contracts from varying locations, often internationally, with multiple departments and roles can be an arduous process - especially when relying on disparate methods such as postal mail, wet-signatures, filing cabinets, emails, shared network drives, and lengthy paper-based negotiations.  Dealing with and tracking a high volume of contracts – from intellectual property contracts to option agreements, among many others - can be tremendously challenging without the right contract management system in place.

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    Maintain Security and Experience Other Benefits When You use Contract Management Software

    By Bradford Jones on 01/23/17

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    Contracts are a part of doing business. Whether we're referring to a contract with a supplier, an employee, or a business partner, every single contract must be created, recorded, and stored. Before automated contract management software became a viable option, businesses, education institutions, and other organizations had to rely on filing cabinets and other means to store these contracts.

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