As a lawyer, you manage a variety of contracts that involve ranging stakeholders and processes. Yes, you may have help from paralegals and legal assistants to coordinate the contract groundwork. However, when it gets down to the nitty-gritty of negotiations, approvals, signatures, and post-award contract management processes, you need a trusted and streamlined system in place to grant you optimal control over your contact management process. Read on to learn how you and your legal team can significantly improve legal contract management software procedures.
Why Lawyers Prefer CobbleStone Software
By Joshua Hansen on 12/10/20
This Is Contract Management in 2021
By Sean Heck on 12/2/20
2021 is rapidly approaching and, with it, innovations and enhancements to contract management automation. To that end, here is a list of user-friendly, future-minded, and industry-advancing contract management software features, processes, and best practices that organizations can empower themselves with to successfully and confidently navigate the evolving landscape of contract management through 2021 and beyond.
Legal Contract Management for Virtually Every Bit & Byte of Your Needs
By Sean Heck on 10/21/20
General Counsel and paralegals face growing contract volume and contract complexity. The lack of an efficient legal contract management process can render obstacles that legal departments encounter nearly impossible to overcome. As such, here's how to utilize legal contract management software for a shortened legal contract lifecycle.