What Is Contract Management in Procurement?

    By Joshua Hansen on 07/29/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Procurement departments can encounter procurement workflow inefficiencies without the proper procure-to-pay tools – especially when implementing inefficient and disjointed contract management processes throughout parts of the procurement process.  You can avoid risk, unreasonable vendor pricing, and vendor non-compliance by leveraging contract management processes in procurement that centralize processes, technology, and people.  Read on to discover how you can implement effective contract management in procurement that results in maximized collaboration of various roles and responsibilities, managing cost effectively, and more fruitful business relationships.

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    The 8 Stages of the Contract Lifecycle

    By Jamie Reedy on 05/20/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Contracts are legally binding - and thus need to be executed properly.  Legal teams should equip themselves with a thorough understanding of the contract lifecycle management process.  The contract lifecycle is the process under which a contract is authored, reviewed, sent for signature, executed, and - potentially - renewed. 

    The "lifecycle" is an archetype used to compartmentalize and understand a contract's complex evolution.  The lifecycle begins with contract requests and concludes when these requests are fulfilled - with the possibility of managing contract renewal.  Let's further explore the eight stages of the contract lifecycle below and how digital contract management software can help streamline your contracting processes. 

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    How Contract Review Can Be Easy With CLM Software

    By Sean Heck on 01/16/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract review is a crucial contract management stage.  Unfortunately, far too many organizations overlook this process or leverage out-of-date methods that can increase unnecessary risk.

    Thankfully, we can establish a contract review processes checklist and manage the life of a contract with leading contract management software.  Let’s get started.

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    Contract Drafting Made Easy With Contract Software

    By Sean Heck on 11/28/22

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Contract drafting is a multi-faceted and complex process.  Document collaboration, contract authoring, negotiation, terms and conditions, and other relevant steps can be challenging. They are all the more challenging if you are relying on manual tools - such as shared drives and emails.  Leave tedious, manual contract drafting methods in the past by embracing robust contract management software.

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