Contract management teams hold a lot of responsibilities throughout the life of a contract. Streamlined and organized contract collaboration is key to CLM success. Without a clear-cut understanding of how the contract process should occur, contract management teams can encounter unnecessary contract risk, contract lifecycle bottlenecks, and decreased revenue. As such, we have outlined the responsibilities of a contract management team and how these responsibilities can be centralized and organized with leading contract management software.
The Responsibilities of a Contract Management Team
By Sean Heck on 09/22/21
Contract Compliance Oversight With Contract Management Software
By Joshua Hansen on 09/21/21
Tracking and retaining contract compliance can be challenging when leveraging primarily manual methods, such as spreadsheet management – especially when tracking multiple contracts with varying compliance standards. Fortunately, contract lifecycle management (CLM) software tools can empower you to achieve contract compliance success. Read on to discover how you can optimize contract compliance oversight with leading contract management software.
Contract Obligations Oversight With Contract Management Software
By Sean Heck on 07/26/21
Contract obligations are – to put it simply – the contractual commitments that parties involved in a contract have agreed to entirely satisfy. Successful contract obligation management requires organizations to ensure that they have met the obligations agreed upon in a contract in a timely manner. Unfortunately, manual contract management methods can make the contract lifecycle – which includes contract obligations – confusing, disorganized, decentralized, and almost impossible to handle properly. As such, key dates, milestones, payments, deliverables, and more can be missed. Thus, organizations should avoid the pitfalls of contract management by ditching manual and outdated contract administration processes in favor of robust, user-friendly contract management software.
We Give an Illustration That Shows the Stages in the Life of a Contract
By Sean Heck on 06/11/21
In order to get started with improving contract lifecycle management, there first needs to be an understanding of what exactly the contract lifecycle is - as well as how it progresses. To that end, we have provided an illustration that shows the stages in the life of a contract - as well as descriptions that give more insight into how each stage involves and can be managed with contract management software!