In-house counsel, paralegals, and other legal professionals are eager to streamline legal operations with lower cost and increased ROI. As such, they should be happy to know that there is a way to optimize and centralize spend management, efficiency and productivity, communication, contract lifecycle management processes, contract data analytics, and more. Here is how to improve legal ops with leading legal contract management software.
How To Improve Legal Operations With Contract Management Software
By Sean Heck on 04/23/21
How Do I Build My Contract Lifecycle Management System?
By Sean Heck on 04/9/21
Companies of all sizes within both the public and private sectors often find themselves maneuvering multiple contracts at once - with said contracts progressing at various stages of the contract lifecycle. As such, they must build an efficient, organized, and cost-effective contract lifecycle management process that helps with all stages of the contract lifecycle. Read on to learn how to get started building a strong and centralized contract lifecycle process - as well as how this undertaking can be significantly simplified and improved with the right strategy, rather than the cheapest and most manual.
COVID Vaccine Rollout Highlights Importance of Supply Chain Management
By Sean Heck on 03/19/21
As the US begins to successfully mitigate the effects of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, it would be nearly impossible to overstate how vital it has been for manufacturers to consistently improve and optimize the COVID vaccine supply chain and for the US government to enlist the aid of the best possible suppliers. As the current rate of daily doses continues to grow - and we celebrate how successful supply chain management has begun to save the day - let's look at some tips to maintain future-minded supply chain management processes moving forward.
5 Helpful Post-Award Contract Management Software Tips for 2021
By Sean Heck on 03/17/21
Government contract management can be divided into three overarching phases: procurement and acquisition planning, the sourcing and award, and post-award contract administration. The first two phases typically enjoy the most time, attentiveness, and financial investment. However, the neglect of the third stage - post-award management - as a tertiary duty can leave your organization unsupported and en route toward needless compliance violations, increased risk variables, and missed opportunities. It could be argued that the post award contract process is the most essential stage for your government organization, but it has notoriously been abandoned to insufficient visibility and a lack of allocated resources. Read this article to learn how to face the challenges of post award contract management head on with an actionable post award contract management software solution.