Many organizations understand the potential value, positive impact, and negative impact of their contracts. They reach a point where they’re committed to creating a strategic contract lifecycle management process that’s supported with the right contract software, tools, and people.
The #1 Reason Contract Lifecycle Management Fails
By Maisie Brooks on 08/20/18
How Contract Management Software can Benefit Your Small Business
By Connie Egan on 12/15/17
Running a small business is hard work. It can be taxing on your mental health when it feels like the weight of the entire operation falls squarely on your shoulders. When tasks are in large supply, but staff, resources, and bank accounts are limited, the stress of owning your own small business can seem overwhelming.
How to Manage an Underperforming Contract
By Connie Egan on 11/21/17
Contract management software from CobbleStone Software can go a long way towards cutting down the amount of underperforming contracts you have to deal with on a regular basis. When you deal with a large volume of contacts every day, there will always be one or two that just aren’t cutting it. Underperforming contracts can impact profits if not dealt with appropriately, so here are four tips you can use to handle a contract that isn't performing properly.
Lost Contracts? Not Anymore!
By CobbleStone Systems on 10/13/16
Demolishing filing cabinets, ripping out drawers, rummaging through mountains of papers, and scanning your calendars for expiration dates - I’m sure you’ve managed to lose important documents because there was no organization. It has probably caused you a great deal of stress.
Imagine all of your contracts being stored in a singular place – with no problems.
With Contract Insight™ Contract Management Software, this is what you are given.