Maximize Contract Tracking - Contract Management Best Practices Series

    By Sean Heck on 12/10/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Contract tracking can be complicated for contract management professionals in various industries.  Manual contract tracking can cut it for a while – until contract complexity and contract volume grow.  Leveraging manual contract tracking methods proves problematic once your organization starts managing hundreds or thousands of contracts and – in time – contract failure rates increase.  Leave contract tracking methods involving manual paper and filing systems, disjointed spreadsheets, and decentralized emails in the past in favor of something better.  Learn how with this blog from our Contract Management Best Practices Series.

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    Expedite Contract Assembly - Contract Management Best Practices Series

    By Sean Heck on 12/9/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Contract assembly (or contract document assembly) is essential in contract lifecycle management.  Contract stakeholders and document assembly resources gather to assemble a cohesive and accurate contract document.  However, inefficient contract document assembly processes involving the lack of a central location for contracts, scattered contract clauses, outdated contract language, subcontracts disconnected from related contract documents, and no clarity regarding up-to-date contract document versions can leave your organization open to increased risk.  Contract risk can include contract non-compliance, revenue leakage, unfulfilled obligations, lawsuits, and missed opportunity.  Avoid contract risk and get the highest ROI from your contracts by discovering how to expedite contract document assembly with leading contract management software.  Read this entry from our Contract Management Best Practices Series.

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    Automate Contract Lifecycle: Contract Management Best Practices Series

    By Joshua Hansen on 12/7/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Managing the contract lifecycle with manual processes can create contract management bottlenecks that waste time and energy.  Fortunately, you can automate contract lifecycle management with contract management software tools that can streamline each stage of the contract lifecycle.  Read on to discover how you can leverage the next best practice within our series by automating contract lifecycle management.

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    Secure Contract Repository - Contract Management Best Practices Series

    By Joshua Hansen on 11/30/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    The first best practice in our Contract Management Best Practices series requires leveraging a centralized and secure contract repository.  Relying on manual and disparate systems - such as shared drives, emails, and spreadsheets – can cause you to fall into contract mismanagement pitfalls.  Discover how contract management software can empower you to leverage a centralized and secure electronic contract repository.

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