Why do you trust your software provider? Is there any specific criteria by which you measure a software system’s trustworthiness in protecting sensitive and confidential data such as PCI (payment card information), PII (personally identifiable information), employee information, client details, vendor data, and vital contract data? With increased risk of data and security breaches, especially during such uncertain times as these, you should be confident that your information is stored on a trusted platform. Read on to learn how to use such a trusted platform, along with the importance of SOC compliance.
Why Your Software Provider Needs To Be SOC 1 Compliant
By Joshua Hansen on 11/18/20
Improve Data-Driven Contract Management with Contract Insight®
By Sean Heck on 04/22/20
Data-driven contract management is the building block for contract data processing and contract analytics, providing the necessary insights for organizations to reduce contract cycle times with improved control, governance, and visibility. Organizations can turn contracts into essential, data-driven sources of business intelligence that support strategies, tactics, and goals with the help of CobbleStone’s source-to-contract software, Contract Insight®. Here’s how.