3 Document Assembly System Tools to Enhance Legal Operations

    By Joshua Hansen on 10/26/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Document assembly plays a vital role in the contract lifecycle, where document contributors band together to form a cohesive contract document.  However - inefficient legal document assembly can stem from unorganized contract templates, obsolete contract language, and subcontracts divorced from related original contract documents.  Read on to discover three essential contract management software document assembly tools for enhanced legal operations and contract lifecycle management success.

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    Online Document Editing Is a Breeze With CobbleStone Software

    By Sean Heck on 07/29/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Simply put, document editing and document collaboration can be a nightmare - especially as they apply to contract management.  Manual and outdated document editing methods often require lots of moving parts - including various emailed communications about numerous document edits, frantic scrambling for relevant clauses, and convoluted procedures for document version tracking.  These processes can easily lead to lost document edits, erroneous clause language, and scattered and misplaced versions.  As a result, your organization could unfortunately experience missed contract tasks, delayed contract authoring and contract negotiations, and deleteriously incorrect contract clause language - which could jeopardize your organization's legal standing, reputation, and financial standing.  Leave these damaging and antiquated document editing methods in the past in favor of user-friendly online document editing with CobbleStone Software.

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    Legal Workflow Success with Contract Insight

    By Sean Heck on 03/10/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 6 min read

    The ever-present challenge that your organization’s General Counsel and paralegals encounter is the growing volume and complexity of contracts.  A subpar legal contract management process makes obstacles for your legal department tough to overcome.  Your team must establish a legal workflow that streamlines the contract lifecycle, reduces risk, and cuts delays and bottlenecks.  CobbleStone’s Contract Insight® can help.

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    What to Look for in a Document Assembly Solution

    By Sean Heck on 12/12/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read


    The omnipresent challenge that General Counsel and paralegals face is the growing complexity and volume of contracts.  An unsatisfactory legal contract management process makes the most difficult contract management obstacles for legal departments nearly impossible to overcome.

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