6 Media Contract Management KPIs for Success

    By Joshua Hansen on 12/1/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Managing various types of entertainment and media contracts from varying locations, often internationally, with multiple departments and roles can be an arduous process - especially when relying on disparate methods such as postal mail, wet-signatures, filing cabinets, emails, shared network drives, and lengthy paper-based negotiations.  Dealing with and tracking a high volume of contracts – from intellectual property contracts to option agreements, among many others - can be tremendously challenging without the right contract management system in place.

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    Experience End-to-End Purchase Order Management

    By Joshua Hansen on 11/6/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Purchasing teams can find it challenging to maintain clear communication and manage purchase orders using primarily disparate and manual processes – such as paper-based filing systems, phone calls, emails, and spreadsheets.  Without a streamlined electronic process with end-to-end purchase order management oversight, purchasing strategies can be challenged by unnecessary workflow bottlenecks that can undermine productivity and frustrate purchasing teams.  Thankfully, leading purchase order management software can streamline the purchasing process, expedite and improve purchase order workflow, and offer full asset lifecycle management with holistic oversight.

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    Comprehensive Procurement Management from Start to Finish

    By Sean Heck on 09/9/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    A disjointed procurement management process can lead to procurement workflow bottlenecks.  The manual management of contracts, vendors, purchase orders, and bids can prove challenging and ineffective.  Processes that involve paying per solicitation can grow expensive.  Don’t waste time, resources, and opportunities with a decentralized and inefficient procurement process.  Leverage leading eProcurement software for procurement management success “from cradle to grave.”

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    Better Procurement: From Tedium to Innovation

    By Sean Heck on 08/28/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Antiquated procurement processes can prove cumbersome, and may, unfortunately, reduce the value, efficiency, and innovation of procurement.  In addition to being ineffectual, the manual management of vendors, bids, contracts, and purchase orders may prove challenging and damaging.  It's time to change the perception of procurement from a tedious function to a beneficial process that is reimagined, value-adding, and streamlined.  Here's how to leverage eProcurement software for a winning procurement process!

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