General Counsel Trust CobbleStone - Here’s Why

    By Joshua Hansen on 01/8/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    As General Counsel, you hold a tremendous responsibility within your organization – especially with managing internal stakeholders and maintaining efficient processes with external stakeholders.  Relying on disparate and manual contract management processes such as spreadsheets, filing cabinets, emails, and shared storage drives can create an inefficient contract management process that can waste time, decrease revenue, and increase risk.  Read on to learn why CobbleStone Software’s acclaimed contract management software platform – Contract Insight® - is the top choice for your processes.

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    Why Paralegals Prefer CobbleStone Software

    By Joshua Hansen on 12/31/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read


    As a paralegal, working in a fast-paced environment with tight deadlines without the proper contract management software system can leave you stressed, disorganized, and overworked.  Manually assisting lawyers with contracts – including tasks such as coordinating communications with stakeholders, gathering wet signatures, managing disparate compliance materials, and manually tracking key dates and milestones – can present time-consuming and error-prone challenges.  Fortunately, CobbleStone Software can help unify people, process, and technology – streamlining contract lifecycle management.  Read on to learn how CobbleStone’s legal contract management software – Contract Insight® – can help paralegals achieve contract management success.

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    Small Business Contract Management Made Easy

    By Joshua Hansen on 12/4/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Are you a small business owner?  Do you manage contracts in a small business?  Regardless of the position or size of the small business you are a part of, contracts are integral to your organizational processes.  From client contracts to employee contracts - among many others - small business contract management KPIs can be hindered by contract non-compliance, disorganized pre-award contract processes, missed contract renewal opportunities, and more – without the proper contract management system in place.  Read this blog to learn how to transform your process for streamlined, user-friend, and success-driven small business contract management.

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    6 Media Contract Management KPIs for Success

    By Joshua Hansen on 12/1/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Managing various types of entertainment and media contracts from varying locations, often internationally, with multiple departments and roles can be an arduous process - especially when relying on disparate methods such as postal mail, wet-signatures, filing cabinets, emails, shared network drives, and lengthy paper-based negotiations.  Dealing with and tracking a high volume of contracts – from intellectual property contracts to option agreements, among many others - can be tremendously challenging without the right contract management system in place.

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