Managing government contracts with disparate processes such as shared drives, email, disorganized documents, and disorderly spreadsheets can prove challenging and leave your organization vulnerable to undue risk. Public contract managers implementing such disparate contract management methods can transform their processes and maximize their budget by fiscal year-end by investing in a robust contract management software system that can seamlessly evolve with their organizations’ needs. City, state, and federal contract management professionals can streamline their processes with the help of an end-to-end government contract management software suite that centralizes government contract administration services from requests to renewals. Read on to learn how leveraging a centralized government contract management system with integrated eSourcing and eProcurement features can empower government contract management professionals to successfully administrate the many moving parts of their contracting processes.
Government Contract Management Software Success From Start To Finish
By Joshua Hansen on 06/7/21
How to Proactively Prepare For Public Fiscal Year End
By Sean Heck on 04/19/21
The end of the fiscal year is quickly approaching. As such, now is the perfect time for public organizations and government agencies to invest their remaining budget before it goes to waste. Discover why your organization or agency should use its remaining budget to invest in contract management software - whose leading-edge functionality and user-friendly tracking and reporting tools are the gifts that keep on giving, allowing your organization to proactively prepare for the next fiscal year-end and other important, recurring events and opportunities.
5 Helpful Post-Award Contract Management Software Tips for 2021
By Sean Heck on 03/17/21
Government contract management can be divided into three overarching phases: procurement and acquisition planning, the sourcing and award, and post-award contract administration. The first two phases typically enjoy the most time, attentiveness, and financial investment. However, the neglect of the third stage - post-award management - as a tertiary duty can leave your organization unsupported and en route toward needless compliance violations, increased risk variables, and missed opportunities. It could be argued that the post award contract process is the most essential stage for your government organization, but it has notoriously been abandoned to insufficient visibility and a lack of allocated resources. Read this article to learn how to face the challenges of post award contract management head on with an actionable post award contract management software solution.
Education Contract Management in the Face of COVID-19
By Joshua Hansen on 10/30/20
The COVID-19 pandemic has left educational institutions in a state of disarray. In such unprecedented times, education contract managers - especially when overseeing contract management teams remotely - cannot rely on antiquated education contract management procedures. Amidst such unforeseen circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, education contract managers can learn how to leverage the following key digital contract management processes within a scalable and centralized contract lifecycle management system to maximize their contracts’ value and optimize their workflow.