CobbleStone Software Blog Recap for June 2024

    By Sean Heck on 06/28/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read


    Did you miss any of our blog posts from June? Don't worry; we have outlined each of them for you. Stay up-to-date with industry topics, real-world case studies, and contract management software and procurement best practices in July by reading the latest CobbleStone® content.

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    CobbleStone Software Blog Recap for May 2024

    By Sean Heck on 06/4/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read


    Did you miss any of our blog posts from May?  Don't worry; we have outlined each of them for you.  Stay up-to-date with industry topics, real-world case studies, and contract management software and procurement best practices in June by reading the latest CobbleStone® content.

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    What Is Contract Management? Here’s What You Need To Know.

    By Sean Heck on 05/29/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Contracts are legally binding agreements that define and govern the exchange of goods or services. A contract’s journey – from creation to fulfillment and completion – is complex and leaves room for errors and oversights. As such, a process has been generally agreed upon for the handling of contracts. This process is referred to as contract management.

    But what is contract management, and how can it be approached? Here’s what you need to know.

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    How Can Your Contract Process Be Improved?

    By Sean Heck on 05/27/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 6 min read

    A healthy contract management process should constantly be adapting to technological advancements.  As contract volume and contract complexity begin to grow, organizations must embrace digital transformation to be furnished with the right tools to streamline the contract management process.  Such innovative CLM tools can be found within a trusted contract management software system. Read on to learn more.

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