6 Advantages of On-Premise Contract Management Software Deployment

    By Rosemary Shields on 07/29/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    While there's a lot of buzz around the advantages of cloud-based technology for CLM software, organizations should understand the benefits of choosing the primary method of hosting software, on-premise, in order to assess the advantages and come to a conclusion.  Both SaaS (Software as a Service) and on-premise deployment options are convenient in their own way, depending on what your organization is looking for.  In this post, I've uncovered the six biggest benefits of on-premise hosting for contract management software.

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    Should You Choose SaaS Deployment for Your CLM Software?

    By Rosemary Shields on 07/19/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    The development of cloud-based technology has raised the question, “What are the benefits of a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution versus installing software directly on-premise?"

    Contract management systems contain highly sensitive information, and organizations should make data security their top priority when selecting a deployment method for their CLM solution.  Many would argue that contract management SaaS is the ultimate deployment method for software because the data center upkeep duties are left to the provider rather than giving organizations one more solution to manage.  Others may want their IT team to retain control by managing hosting in-house.  While both approaches have up-sides to different organizations, SaaS has become the more popular option due to added benefits and most organizations are choosing to leave the responsibility to the software provider.  This article discusses the benefits of choosing a SaaS solution over on-premise and what you can expect from CobbleStone Software when selecting us to host your CLM software.

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    World Congress 2019: See CobbleStone's Adaptive & Connected Contract Management Suite

    By Maria Votlucka on 07/12/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    CobbleStone Software, the leader in contract management and eProcurement software, is exhibiting at NCMA's World Congress on July 28-31, 2019 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA.  This annual event is considered one of the largest industry gatherings with thousands of contract management, procurement, and acquisition professionals expected to attend.

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    General Counsel's Open-and-Shut Case for Better Contract Management

    By Maria Votlucka on 07/9/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Business continues to accelerate globally.  The resulting rapidly shifting regulatory environment generates increased risk along with more opportunities, propelling organizations to rely on contracts more heavily to protect business interests and assets.  General Counsel and legal teams have a chance to create a new perception of the legal department that moves away from the appearance of a cost center for the organization to the forefront of organizational strategy by leveraging contracts as a growth driver. 

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