4 Signs It's Time to Walk Away from Your Contract Management Software

    By Jessica Troppello on 08/13/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    Did We Choose the Wrong Contract Management Software Provider?

    Your organization invested in contract management software to effectively manage the contract lifecycle with less overwhelm, more automation, more visibility, and more predictability.  But what if the lackluster results you’re experiencing aren't worth the time and money you put into the implementation?

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    6 Ways to Maximize Procurement Productivity With a Contract Database

    By Bradford Jones on 07/31/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read


    Although an essential facet of running a business, managing contracts without a contract database can be a time-consuming headache. With so many different contracts with vendors and service companies, it can be challenging to keep track of them all without reliable contract software. The right solution can help you reduce the amount of time you spend searching through spreadsheets or shared drives so that you can work on growing your business. Here are just a few of the ways that a formal contract database can help your team maximize productivity:

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    5 Ways Better Contract Management Improves DBE Vendor Tracking

    By Jamie Reedy on 07/30/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    DBE supplier tracking becomes easier when the right tools are in place.

    Whether you’re a local municipality, city, state, or federal agency, chances are you have a goal defined for awarding contracts to disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). Government agencies operate on “good faith” that they will make the conscious effort to consider these businesses when awarding new contracts. The problem, like managing any other contract, is the work involved to ensure that all criteria is being met and certifications are processed.

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    3 Ways Electronic Signatures Improve Contract Management

    By Maisie Brooks on 07/17/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Electronic signatures are not new to contract management, but you may be skeptical of the validity compared to a wet signature. Rest-assured, electronic signatures are just as binding as hand written signatures with the same legal clout. If you're stressed about contract deadlines and signature delays negatively impacting negotiations and your ability to close more deals, read on to find out how e-signatures can help your organization.

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