Achieving Maximum ROI with Contract Management Software

    By Jamie Reedy on 04/16/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Feel Confident About Managing Your Contracts the Right way.

    When purchasing anything new for your organization, you want to feel confident that you’re making the right choice. An informed buyer is a satisfied buyer because you’re confident you did your homework. This is especially important when you’re looking to overhaul some of your current processes and implement a new way of doing things. It can be overwhelming, and when it comes to redesigning your contract management process, it can be downright scary.

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    5 Must Have Software Features to Improve Contract Management

    By Jamie Reedy on 04/3/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Choosing the right software with the right features can make all the difference. 

    Managing contracts is something that almost all industries do daily. A single company can have contracts in place for a variety of reasons which could include facilities, personnel, clients, the real estate they operate in, and so much more. Whatever the case may be, these contracts have their own stages and lifecycles that are important to stay aware of through their duration of activity.

    It’s hard to imagine, with today’s advances in technology, that there was a time where manual contract management was the standard process at most organizations.  Hard copies were stored in filing cabinets and some contract administrator or designated personnel had to make a conscious effort to check in on these records and ensure things were running smoothly.

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    How to Manage an Underperforming Contract

    By Connie Egan on 11/21/17

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    Contract management software from CobbleStone Software can go a long way towards cutting down the amount of underperforming contracts you have to deal with on a regular basis. When you deal with a large volume of contacts every day, there will always be one or two that just aren’t cutting it. Underperforming contracts can impact profits if not dealt with appropriately, so here are four tips you can use to handle a contract that isn't performing properly.

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    A Contract Management Solution for the Government Sector

    By Devon Chandler on 09/15/17

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    This post was originally published 9/15/17. Updated 6/5/18.

    Government contract management involves forming strategic business alliances with trusted governmental agencies and other private-sector contractors who can provide goods and other services to them. Government agencies regularly track, review, and approve a multitude of different contracts each fiscal year. Many of these agreements are quite complex in nature, and often require a rigorous set of policies to guarantee their obligations and deadlines are being met. Establishing and sustaining formal business relationships with vendors, suppliers, and other providers can become problematic for many agencies without the proper contract management tools.

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