CobbleStone Software is happy to announce a new user interface update to Contract Insight™ Enterprise Software with Version 17 of the industry leading solution. The update will provide our clients with a more modern and configurable design that allows users to have more flexibility in creating the perfect look and feel for their organization within the system. The update gives our users an opportunity, if they wish, to change the design so they are no longer confined by the standard look that is default out-of-the-box.
CobbleStone Introduces Enhanced Design and Improved Features in Contract Insight™ Version 17
By Connie Egan on 08/23/17
Implement Contract Software Like A Pro
By Connie Egan on 07/27/17
Deploying and implementing a contract software system can be a challenge for any organization. You’ve completed your search for the best system, saw demonstrations, negotiated the best price, and decided on a solution. Now it is time to implement the system. Here at CobbleStone, we focus on relieving the stress of implementing your new contract management system by creating a plan and training schedule with the help of our training specialists.
How to Gain Efficiencies with Contract Insight’s Purchase Orders
By Connie Egan on 07/18/17
Have a pile of purchase orders sitting on your desk or scattered through multiple spread sheets? Drop the hassle with a purchase order module in your contract management software. As technology continues to advance, more processes are moving towards electronic versions rather than paper-based. Using the purchase order module in Contract Insight makes the PO process more efficient for your organization.
Ad-Hoc and Custom Report Designer in Contract Insight™
By Connie Egan on 06/30/17
Find yourself searching for the same information over and over again in your contract management software? Consider creating a report, also known as a saved search, in your contract management system. Creating ad-hoc and custom reports is something we touch on often with our clients here at CobbleStone. Ad-Hoc and Custom Reports are tools that can save an organization time for common searches they do within the system.