How and why did Contract Management Software Arise?

    By CobbleStone Systems on 11/10/16

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    Written by Chris Bejsiuk, Marketing/Sales at CobbleStone Software.

    Do you remember the days when there wasn’t sufficient technology to make our jobs easier?

    Everything on paper.  Office floors filled entirely of documents because people ran out of space - that is something I have actually seen with my own eyes.  Messy offices tend to lead to misplaced documents, which could lead to dire consequences like, say, lawsuits.

    So when did a solution for all of this arise?

    In 1995, CobbleStone Software was created, and came up with the answers.

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    Benefits of Cloud-Based Contract Management

    By CobbleStone Systems on 10/27/16

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Cloud-Based Contract Management benefits your company the most when talking about contracts.

    Why?  It is the simplest and most secure way to share data and information with one another.

    This is the age of technology, and there is no choice but to go along with it. What’s the saying, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”?

    Contract Insight™ offers the simplicity every company needs.

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    Lost Contracts? Not Anymore!

    By CobbleStone Systems on 10/13/16

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 2 min read

    Demolishing filing cabinets, ripping out drawers, rummaging through mountains of papers, and scanning your calendars for expiration dates - I’m sure you’ve managed to lose important documents because there was no organization. It has probably caused you a great deal of stress.

    Imagine all of your contracts being stored in a singular place – with no problems.

    With Contract Insight™ Contract Management Software, this is what you are given.

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    Will Authoring Contracts From Templates Benefit Your Team?

    By Dylan Bari on 06/8/16

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract writing and authoring can be the easiest or most complex step of thecontract lifecycle management process. Whether the contract is going to contain a minimal amount of information, or if it is going to contain hundreds of different terms and clauses; writing all of these contracts can be a daunting and time-consuming process. Because of this issue, select providers of contract management software have a solution. By using contract templates, your authorized users can easily author a new contract by using rules-based text and clauses. This feature is beneficial in many ways, but a few of the key benefits can be outlined in more detail below.

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