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What Determines the Cost of Contract Management Software?

Written by Sean Heck | 07/16/24

Contract management software has proven to be an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. This AI-backed software can save organizations time, reduce errors, increase revenue, and improve compliance by streamlining the contract management process. However, one of the most common questions businesses have is about the cost of contract management software. Understanding the factors influencing the price and the potential return on investment (ROI) can help organizations make informed decisions. So how much does contract management software cost, and why?



Why Invest in Contract Management Software?

Before discussing the contract management software cost, it's important to understand contract management software and why it's beneficial.

Contract management software is a digital software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that supports AI-powered management of the entire contract lifecycle, from creation and negotiation to execution and renewal. It offers features such as AI-backed auto-redlining, clause replacement with approved clauses and language, automated alerts for renewal dates, centralized storage, version control, and performance tracking with contract analytics.

By automating the abovementioned processes, businesses can reduce the risk of missed deadlines, eliminate contract legalese ambiguity, improve contract visibility, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, it can enhance collaboration among stakeholders, making the contracting process more efficient.


Factors Influencing the Cost of Contract Management Software

The cost of contract management software can vary widely based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help businesses determine what they might expect to pay and what features are essential for their needs.

1. Deployment Model: The deployment model significantly impacts the contract management software cost. There are two main types:

  • On-Premises (Locally Deployed): This model involves purchasing and hosting the software on the company’s servers. It typically requires a higher upfront cost for the software license and additional expenses for hardware, IT support, and maintenance.

  • Cloud-Based (SaaS): Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions are hosted in the cloud and accessed via the internet. This model usually involves a subscription fee, which can be monthly or annual. The cost is usually lower upfront, including updates, maintenance, and support.

2. Number of Users: Most contract management software solutions are priced based on the number of users. More users generally mean higher contract management software costs. Some providers offer tiered pricing, with discounts as the number of users increases.


3. Features and Functionality: The range of features can greatly influence the cost. Basic plans might include essential features like contract creation, storage, and basic analytics. More advanced plans could offer features such as AI-driven analytics, advanced report design, automated workflows and approvals, electronic signatures, eProcurement, eSourcing, and integration with other business systems like ERP or CRM software.


4. Configuration and Integration: If your business requires software configuration according to your needs or integration with existing systems, these can add to the cost. A level of tailoring to your organization's needs ensures the software meets specific business requirements, while integration can streamline processes across different platforms.


5. Vendor Reputation and Support: Well-established vendors with a proven track record may charge more for their software, but they often offer better support and more reliable solutions. When evaluating the contract management software cost, consider the level of customer support, training, and onboarding provided. This information can often be found within trusted third-party analyst reports. Look for solutions named among the top performers and leaders in the niche. Also, be sure to select a solution acclaimed by users like you.


6. Contract Length: Some vendors offer discounts for committing to longer contract lengths. For example, a three-year contract might be more cost-effective than an annual renewal.



How Much Does Contract Management Software Cost?

The cost of contract management software can vary from a few hundred dollars per year for basic solutions to several thousand dollars per year for more comprehensive systems. Here’s a breakdown of typical cost tiers based on different scenarios:


  1. Small Businesses: For small businesses with fewer users and basic needs, the cost of contract management software can range from $50 to $100 per user per month. This type of purchase typically includes essential features like contract creation, storage, and basic reporting.

  2. Mid-Sized Businesses: Mid-sized businesses with more users and advanced needs can expect to pay slightly more than a small business per user per month. These solutions often include more advanced features such as workflow automation, advanced analytics, and integration capabilities.

  3. Enterprise-Level Solutions: The cost of highly configurable solutions tailored to specific industry requirements can exceed $500 per user per month. These solutions are often built to integrate and connect seamlessly with other enterprise systems and include extensive support and training and AI-powered features for many different contract management processes.


Additional Contract Management Software Costs to Consider

While subscription fees or software licenses are the most obvious cost of contract management software, other potential expenses should be considered.

The initial setup and implementation of the software, including data migration and configuration, may involve costs. Furthermore, training staff to use the new system can incur additional contract management software costs. Some vendors offer training as part of the package, while others charge extra for this service; some offer a combination of free and paid opportunities. While SaaS models often include maintenance and support in the subscription fee, on-premises solutions may require an additional budget for ongoing maintenance and IT support.

As your business grows, you may need to purchase additional features or upgrade your plan, which can increase contract management software costs.


Calculating the ROI of Contract Management Software

When evaluating the cost of contract management software, it's crucial to consider the potential return on investment (ROI). While the initial outlay can be significant, the benefits often outweigh the costs. There are factors to consider when calculating contract management software ROI.

Automating contract management processes can save legal, procurement, and sales teams significant time. This time can be redirected towards more strategic activities. Enhanced timeliness and visibility into contract terms and performance can lead to better decision-making and improved negotiation outcomes.

Automated workflows and alerts can reduce the risk of errors and missed deadlines, which can result in financial penalties or lost opportunities. Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements can prevent costly fines and damage to your reputation.

Centralized contract storage and streamlined processes can reduce administrative contract management software costs and eliminate the need for physical storage. Efficient contract management can help identify opportunities for upselling or renegotiating favorable terms, directly impacting the bottom line.

Calculate your potential ROI by using our contract management software ROI calculator.



Choosing the Right Contract Management Software

Given the range of costs and features available, choosing the right contract management software for your business can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision:

  1. Identify your specific needs and the problems you want the software to solve. Consider factors such as the number of contracts you manage, the complexity of your contracts, and the number of users.

  2. Look for vendors with a strong reputation and positive customer reviews. Consider their experience in your industry and the level of support they offer.

  3. Most vendors offer free demos and free trials. Take advantage of these to see how the software works in practice and whether it meets your needs.

  4. Look beyond the initial price and consider the total cost of ownership, including implementation, training, and ongoing maintenance.

  5. Consider the potential ROI and how the software can add value to your business. Look for case studies or testimonials from similar organizations.

  6. Don’t be afraid to negotiate terms with vendors. They may be willing to offer discounts for longer contracts or additional users.

The Key Takeaway

Understanding the cost of contract management software and the factors that influence it is essential for making an informed decision. While the price can vary widely based on the deployment model, number of users, features, and other factors, the potential benefits in terms of time savings, error reduction, improved compliance, and contract management software cost savings can make it a worthwhile investment.

By carefully assessing your needs, researching vendors, and considering the total cost of ownership, you can find a solution that meets your requirements and delivers a strong return on investment that can drive efficiency and success in your organization.

*Legal Disclaimer: This article is not legal advice.  The content of this article is for general informational and educational purposes only.  The information on this website may not present the most up-to-date legal information.  Readers should contact their attorney for legal advice regarding any particular legal matter.