The 3 Contract Management KPIs for Success

    By Maria Votlucka on 07/22/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract managers are under increased pressure to deliver value with reduced contract risks, decreased contract costs, and improved contract performance.  When you regularly measure progress and the success of contracts against contract management key performance indicators (KPIs), you can proactively readjust your contract strategy to ensure goal alignment drives critical and positive organizational impact.  Read on to learn how contract management software can help maximize three important contract management KPIs for success.

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    6 Tips for Effective Contract Management in 2023

    By Sean Heck on 07/14/22

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    The age of legal operations digital transformation continues in 2023, with even more exciting digitization tools for business process automation available.  The more contract administration tools available to legal teams and contract administrators – however – the easier it is to fall behind.  With that said, let’s examine six tips for effective contract management in 2023 to get ahead with contract management software.

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    How to Proactively Prepare For Public Fiscal Year End

    By Sean Heck on 04/19/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    The end of the fiscal year is quickly approaching.  As such, now is the perfect time for public organizations and government agencies to invest their remaining budget before it goes to waste.  Discover why your organization or agency should use its remaining budget to invest in contract management software - whose leading-edge functionality and user-friendly tracking and reporting tools are the gifts that keep on giving, allowing your organization to proactively prepare for the next fiscal year-end and other important, recurring events and opportunities.

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    8 Hot Tips for Streamlined & Centralized Purchase Management in 2021

    By Sean Heck on 03/10/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 6 min read

    Robust purchase management software can decrease administrative costs, increase accountability, enhance communication and asset management, and assist your organization in operating efficiently and effectively.  Trusted purchase order software can assist your organization in making better purchasing decisions with full asset lifecycle management.  As you continue on through procurement month, read on to learn eight hot tips for expedited and unified purchase order management in 2021 and beyond.

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