Contract management software is instrumental in automating the drafting, negotiation, execution, and oversight of contracts. Naturally, there are some solutions that are better fitting for your organization than others. Because of this, the chances are you may be struggling with an outdated system that can cause you to miss out on the full value of your contracts. If your current contract management solution is slowing you down, it may be time to switch. But how do you know when it's time to upgrade? Well, here are three key signs that it's time to consider a superior contract lifecycle management software solution.
3 Signs It's Time to Upgrade Your Contract Management Software
By Sean Heck on 10/22/24
What Is a Contract Amendment? How Can Contract Amendments Be Managed?
By Sean Heck on 08/21/24
A contract amendment is a modification of the terms and conditions of a contract or subcontract.
Though we will explore contract amendments more in-depth, it is worth noting that changing the structure, duties, obligations, or rights of a contract requires increased oversight.
To that end, let's explore contract amendments and how disparate, important, and sensitive information can be managed, and contract amendments can be executed smoothly for effective contract management.
The Benefits of a Secure Contract Repository
By Sean Heck on 06/5/24
Successful contract management requires you to embrace a centralized and secure process. Manual contract management methods - such as filing cabinets for paper documentation, spreadsheets, emails, and disorganized digital storage – won’t cut it as your contract portfolio grows. These methods make it nearly impossible for your organization to maintain version control, keep contracts and data secure, stay on top of key dates and milestones, and enforce contract archiving and retention rules. Your organization can scrap these outdated methods in favor of something better. As such, here are the benefits of a secure contract repository within leading, AI-powered contract management software.
How Can Your Contract Process Be Improved?
By Sean Heck on 05/27/24
A healthy contract management process should constantly be adapting to technological advancements. As contract volume and contract complexity begin to grow, organizations must embrace digital transformation to be furnished with the right tools to streamline the contract management process. Such innovative CLM tools can be found within a trusted contract management software system. Read on to learn more.