How To Utilize AI for Contract Review Processes

    By Sean Heck on 10/10/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in a business setting are important. According to a study performed by MIT Sloan Management Review, over 80% of organizations see advanced AI as a vehicle for strategic opportunity. Additionally, 85% of organizations view AI as a means for competitive business advantages.1

    This interest in – and implementation of – AI applies to legal professionals, in-house legal teams, and other contract managers as well. Manually managing and reviewing an ever-increasing number of contracts and legal documents of varying complexity is stressful and inefficient. But it does not have to be.

    Organizations can improve contract review and contract automation with AI-powered contract management software.

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    What Is a Contract Amendment? How Can Contract Amendments Be Managed?

    By Sean Heck on 08/21/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    A contract amendment is a modification of the terms and conditions of a contract or subcontract.

    Though we will explore contract amendments more in-depth, it is worth noting that changing the structure, duties, obligations, or rights of a contract requires increased oversight.

    To that end, let's explore contract amendments and how disparate, important, and sensitive information can be managed, and contract amendments can be executed smoothly for effective contract management.

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    How Contract Review Can Be Easy With CLM Software

    By Sean Heck on 01/16/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract review is a crucial contract management stage.  Unfortunately, far too many organizations overlook this process or leverage out-of-date methods that can increase unnecessary risk.

    Thankfully, we can establish a contract review processes checklist and manage the life of a contract with leading contract management software.  Let’s get started.

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    Passing on Contract Analysis? You May Be Repeating CLM Mistakes.

    By Sean Heck on 09/15/22

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    The age of digital transformation has forged a path of opportunity for analyzing vital information to improve business processes. This phenomenon strongly applies to contract data as well. Unfortunately, many businesses managing contracts fail to maximize contract data points to learn from mistakes and improve contract processes. As such, they fail to reduce risk, optimize contract terms and language, proactively recognize growth opportunities, strengthen the contract review process, and more.

    Thankfully, you can avoid falling victim to contract lifecycle process failure and stagnation with contract management software.

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