6 Digital Transformation Goals for Contract Managers in 2025

    By Sean Heck on 01/2/25

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    As business technology evolves, organizations must take inventory of how they will most fully embrace said technology. This fact applies to contract managers as well. Contract management professionals need to evolve their digital transformation goals as time passes, and legal technology grants them more efficiency, incredible innovation, and significant ROI. To that end, here are six digital transformation goals for contract managers in 2025 to improve customer experience, client relations, business outcomes, and more on their digital transformation journey.

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    Why Digital Contracting is a Must-Have for Modern Organizations

    By Sean Heck on 11/26/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Technology has brought expediency and efficiency to a myriad of business processes. However, some contract management solutions fall short in this regard (that is, they fall short of true digital contracting). Pushing web-based contract documents between resources and enhancing collaboration is a start, but true digital contracting moves beyond the status quo of a document-first approach that is untraceable, unactionable, and slow. But how do organizations move on from the disjointed movement of digital documents and embrace a data-first, data-driven, and truly integrated approach to contract lifecycle management (CLM) designed for the modern contract management professional? Read on to discover the benefits of digital contracting for legal teams and anyone else involved in the contracting process.

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    Digital Contract Management: A Fun Flight Into the Future of Legal Ops

    By Sean Heck on 05/17/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    In the grand galaxy of business operations, contracts serve as the gravity that supports the harmonious orbit of organizations, business partners, vendors, employees, and clients – spinning together in a vast cosmos of opportunity. However, managing contracts’ essential components in the pre-digital age of contract history was often a Herculean task - filled with countless man-hours, mountains of paperwork, and the potential for harmful human error.

    Enter the era of digital contract management – a revolutionary epoch that has transformed the previously-laborious contracting process into a streamlined, efficient, and even fun experience. Let’s take flight into the future of legal ops: digital contract management.

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    Digital Transformation: What It Is & Why it Matters

    By Sean Heck on 01/4/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    You have likely heard the term “digital transformation” in a professional context. This term has become ever more prevalent since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital transformation initiatives have been leveraged to transform business processes and business outcomes.

    But what is digital transformation really – and why does it matter? Read on to find out!

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