Managing your CRM (client relationship management system) separately from your CLM (contract lifecycle management system) can cause sales contract management bottlenecks - such as disorganization, miscommunication, and increased risk. Fortunately, leading contract management software can help you achieve sales contract management success by seamlessly connecting your CLM and CRM. Read on to learn how connecting your CLM and CRM can help expedite your sales contract management process by sharing relevant and timely information between sales and contract management teams efficiently – helping close sales deals quickly and track post-signature responsibilities effectively until renewal.
CLM + CRM = Sales Contract Management Success
By Joshua Hansen on 05/17/22
Contract Lifecycle Management
sales contract management software
CRM Management
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Back from the Beach: Close More Sales in Q4 with Sell-Side Contract Management
By Maria Votlucka on 08/27/18
Summer is coming to an end. You’ve experienced just enough rest, relaxation, sun, and sand to help you clear your head and get you inspired to return to the office refreshed and refocused for Q4.
Contract Management Software
sales contract management software
sell-side contract management
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