CobbleStone Software Press Round Up August 2024


    CobbleStone Software shares its Press Room roundup for August 2024.

    Read below to see all press releases from CobbleStone Software in August 2024. Interested in learning more about CobbleStone Contract Insight? Book a free demo of our award-winning contract management, eSourcing, & procurement platform today.


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    CobbleStone® Ranked by G2 as a Leader in its Results Index

    CobbleStone Software has been recognized as a Leader, scoring higher than others within G2's Results Index for Contract Analytics for Summer 2024.

    "We are honored to receive this recognition and support from our clients and G2. We hope readers recognize the myriad of benefits implementing CLM software can bring to their organizations, especially in regards to ROI," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.



    CobbleStone Software Featured in Legal Tech Publishing's 2024 Buyer's Guide

    As more contract management and eProcurement professionals adopt technology, the Lech Tech Publishing 2024 Buyer's Guide aids in their selection process.

    "We are honored to be recognized by Legal Tech Publishing in their annual Buyer's Guide and hope that legal and procurement professionals will educate themselves on the countless benefits CLM can bring to their organizations," says Mark Nastasi, EVP and Founder of CobbleStone Software.



    CobbleStone Software Hosting Free August Tech-Brief Webinar

    CobbleStone Software hosted a free live tech brief webinar on CLM software for government and education organizations on August 22, 2024, at 1 pm ET.

    "We are excited to have hosted another free webinar for contract and procurement professionals in the government and education sectors looking to learn about the various benefits implementing CLM software can bring to their organizations," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.



    CobbleStone Software Offers a Free Quiz to Determine CLM Needs

    CobbleStone Software offers a free quiz on its website to help business professionals determine which contract lifecycle management solution best suits their organizational needs.

    "We understand that there are many factors to consider when finding a CLM suite that best aligns with the specific needs of a business. We offer tools that simplify this important choice so organizations can have a user-friendly, flexible, and scalable means of managing their contracts while focusing on strategic decisions," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.

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    Stay Up to Date With All Upcoming Events Hosted by CobbleStone Software

    Don't miss out on the latest news and events held by CobbleStone Software for the rest of 2024.

    "We look forward to continuing to host a variety of educational and informational events with the hope that business professionals in the legal and procurement space can learn about the many benefits proper contract management can bring to their organizations," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.


    CobbleStone Software contract management recipe book.


    CobbleStone Ranked by G2 as a Leader for User Adoption and Setup in Implementation Index 

    CobbleStone Software has been recognized as a Leader in user adoption and setup, scoring higher than others within G2's Implementation Index for Contract Analytics for Summer 2024.

    "We are honored to receive this recognition from G2 and thrilled to see the many positive reviews of our customers enjoying our software suite and ranking it highly for its easy adoption and setup," says Mark Nastasi, EVP and Founder of CobbleStone Software.



    CobbleStone Software User Conference is Only 2 Months Away

    The much-anticipated CobbleStone Software User Conference held in Las Vegas is taking place from October 16th to the 18th.

    "Following the success of our previous conferences, we are excited to bring that same energy to Vegas this fall. Attendees will have a great time networking with like-minded individuals within the contract management space, and we look forward to hosting and educating about the vast benefits of efficient AI powered CLM solutions," says Mark Nastasi, EVP and Founder of CobbleStone Software.



    CobbleStone Software Offers Free Guide for Selecting Contract Management Software

    CobbleStone Software offers a series of whitepapers; one of those is titled "7 Features to Look For When Selecting Contract Management Software".

    "In your search for the right contract management software to meet your organization's needs, discover 7 key CLM features to look for. As with our 7 Features whitepaper, we strive to continue to provide contract and procurement professionals with the information they need when selecting CLM software in an easy and digestible way. Our free whitepapers act as a fruitful resource that covers a large variety of topics, with more to come soon," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.




    CobbleStone Software Helps Chiesi Streamline Their Contract Management Processes

    Discover how CobbleStone Software provides Chiesi a solutions suite to meet their organizational needs, showcasing the positive effects of implementing industry-leading contract management software.

    "We are glad we are able to assist Chiesi with their contract management concerns during their time of need and are able to provide them with the correct resources and tools they need to keep growing as a successful pharmaceutical company without any worries of CLM," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.



    CobbleStone Software is Hosting a Free CLM Webinar Next Week

    CobbleStone Software is hosting a free webinar titled "What to Look for When Purchasing Contract Lifecycle Management Software" on September 5th, 2024.

    "We are excited to host another webinar to help professionals narrow their search for robust and efficient CLM software. During this webinar viewers will have the chance to learn about the software, ask questions, and interact with one of our best software experts. We look forward to seeing our registrants at the webinar, so those interested should register today to secure their spots," says Bradford Jones, VP of Sales and Marketing at CobbleStone Software.



    Stay In-The-Know With All CobbleStone Software Events in 2024

    Don't miss out on the latest news and events hosted by CobbleStone Software this year.

    To stay up-to-date with the latest news, visit the CobbleStone Software Press Room!

    Want to learn more about CobbleStone Contract Insight? Book a free demo of our award-winning contract management, eSourcing, & procurement platform today!

    If you're a CobbleStone user, do you have any questions or would you like more information about new features and add-on modules? Contact your account representative today!

    CobbleStone Software offers a complimentary demo.