CobbleStone Software Launches New Release Update Including Exciting Features

    By Simran Bains on 06/11/24


    CobbleStone Software has recently added Obligation Tracking as a VISDOM AI® feature - their native, robust AI software.

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    CobbleStone Software Releases Dun & Bradstreet Integration Update in Version 22.2.0

    By Simran Bains on 06/10/24


    CobbleStone Software has recently enhanced their Dun & Bradstreet integration in their latest software update, Version 22.2.0, in order to help contracting professionals proactively mitigate risks associated with vendors and partners with whom they interact.

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    CobbleStone Software Releases Latest Contract Management Software Version Update

    By Simran Bains on 09/5/23


    CobbleStone® recently announced its latest software version update- CobbleStone Contract Insight® 22.1.2.

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    CobbleStone Software Releases Interactive and Educational System Overview

    By Simran Bains on 08/29/23


    CobbleStone® highlights top-of-mind CobbleStone Contract Insight® features and functionality.

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    CobbleStone Software Introduces User-Friendly MS Excel PC Helper Connector

    By Simran Bains on 08/28/23


    CobbleStone® recently announced its new software feature that allows users to seamlessly connect MS Excel and CobbleStone Contract Insight®.

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