Mark Nastasi

    Mark Nastasi
    Mark Nastasi is the Executive VP and founder of CobbleStone Software with over 20 years of professional experience in the industry.  He launched the first commercial contract software in 1995 named CMTS (Contract Management Tracking System). He has worked extensively with general counsels, paralegals, lawyers, and legal professionals to help manage contracts better.  You can reach Mark by email at

    Recent Posts

    Legal Payment Processing with CobbleStone: Better Together

    By Mark Nastasi on 06/25/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Contracts are the fabric of business relationships and help bind organizations together. As such, efficient legal payment processing is paramount. CobbleStone Software is often approached by leading organizations of various industries to discuss how they can better track contracts, contract spend (contract expenditures), and contract budget management. The process of managing contract-related fiduciary responsibility is inherently complex. However, it is highly simplified with a comprehensive contract management software system that does much more than provide basic contract management features. One of the foremost solutions for comprehensive contract lifecycle management (CLM) - including streamlined legal payment processing - is CobbleStone Contract Insight®. To that end, let's further explore this topic of legal payment processing.

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    5 Ways Generative AI for Legal Contracts Can Boost CLM Productivity

    By Mark Nastasi on 06/1/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    The use of artificial intelligence is all the buzz right now. From Microsoft Bing’s use of OpenAI’s ChatGPT to Google’s Bard AI Chat Bot - the topic of responsible use of artificial intelligence continues to trend. To add to that, generative artificial intelligence (a useful AI technology feature that generates human-like content) is being reviewed extensively - not only from a usability perspective, but from a legal work standpoint.

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    Supply Chain & eSourcing: Pricing vs. Technical Functional Proposal Responses

    By Mark Nastasi on 05/11/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    ATTENTION procurement, supply chain, and purchase managers:

    Your supply chain and sourcing processes play a critical role in ensuring your procurement teams have the proper goods and services necessary to operate and expand your business while fulfilling your client, operational, and contract commitments.

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    Is It Time to Hire a Full-Time Legal Reviewer or Paralegal?

    By Mark Nastasi on 03/21/22

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Over the last year, our clients - legal professionals - have expressed their seemingly increased workload for reviewing contract documents, negotiating agreements, and signing contracts.  Recently, I was asked: "When do you know it is time to hire a full-time legal professional for contract management and legal review?" Considering the innumerable times I've been asked this question, I resolved to write a thorough and thoughtful response as a blog that aligns with our audience of contract management software users and prospective CLM users as well.  Discover 5 steps to determine if you need to hire a full-time legal reviewer or paralegal.

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