Throughout the contract lifecycle, organizations need to keep track of an abundance of data, people, and processes related to contracts. Searching and reporting on contract lifecycle management, financial data, budget information, contract workflow processes, contract management KPIs, departments, vendors, bids, compliance, and more with a manual process is virtually impossible - especially as contract complexity and contract volume grow. Luckily, organizations can leverage contract management reports by using contract management software to make these processes a breeze. Here's how contract management reports can improve CLM processes.
How Contract Management Reports Can Improve Your CLM Process
By Sean Heck on 07/14/21
Power Up Contract Data Management With Contract Management Software
By Sean Heck on 02/24/21
Robust contract data management, contract analytics, and contract data security provide the necessary insights and protection for organizations to cut contract lifecycle times with enhanced control, governance, security, and visibility. Organizations can transform contracts into powerful, data-driven sources of business intelligence that support contract strategy, contract management KPIs, and goals with the help of leading contract management software. Here’s how.
Taking on Healthcare Contract Management During the COVID Crisis
By Sean Heck on 11/4/20
Manual healthcare contract management processes can increase cost and liability, leak and decrease revenue, and bring about negative patient and personnel experiences. Outdated strategies can prevent a seamless contract lifecycle, compliance, the best use of time and resources, unified and secured documents, efficiently and accurately entered data, and the management of contracts of varying value and complexity. Luckily, future-minded contract lifecycle management software can help. Here’s how.
Legal Contract Management for Virtually Every Bit & Byte of Your Needs
By Sean Heck on 10/21/20
General Counsel and paralegals face growing contract volume and contract complexity. The lack of an efficient legal contract management process can render obstacles that legal departments encounter nearly impossible to overcome. As such, here's how to utilize legal contract management software for a shortened legal contract lifecycle.