CobbleStone’s latest release, Contract Insight® Enterprise Version 17.4.0, has arrived with many new features to enhance and improve your contract management system and procurement platform! New features like CobbleStone’s enhanced user dashboard management, menu tools, field management options, bid scoring functionality, easy-to-understand vendor management features, streamlined purchasing with a new shopping cart experience and punchouts, Google Maps integration, and more will help you and your team become more organized and equipped with tools to excel. Discover what’s new with Contract Insight and get started today with better usability and governance over your CLM system.
New Release! Contract Insight® 17.4.0 – Enhancements for Your Success
By Sean Heck on 11/8/19
Dashboard Launch Pads Improve Contract Insight's® User Experience
By Rosemary Shields on 08/21/19
Upon the release of Contract Insight Version 17.3.1, the contract management software is now available with Dashboard Launch Pads that take apps and taskbars to the next level with a better user experience within CobbleStone’s Contract Insight® Enterprise Software. Contract Insight is a robust system with configurable functionality to help users navigate through the system fast and easily. System Dashboards are full of functionality and are designed to provide a better user experience. Learn how CobbleStone’s Dashboard Launch Pads can help users navigate through Contract Insight easily while gaining insights into key contract data right from their system Dashboard.
New Release! Contract Insight® 17.3.1 – Everything You Need to Know
By Rosemary Shields on 07/30/19
CobbleStone’s new release, Contract Insight® Version 17.3.1 has arrived with many new features to enhance and improve your contract management system! New features like CobbleStone’s Launch Pad Tiles, survey tools, and Google Drive integration will help you and your team become more organized and equipped with tools to succeed. Discover what’s new with Contract Insight and get started today with better usability and governance over your CLM system.
Simplify Contract Communication Using CobbleStone Chat in Contract Insight™
By Rosemary Shields on 02/27/19
It is imperative to have proper communication methods in place in order to achieve contract management success. One communication method is often not enough for a business to complete all tasks effectively as each one requires a specific type of communication. Email is common for general business communication, followed by phone and sometimes text for more urgent situations. But, when working with a contract management software system filled with content like contract records, file names, account numbers, and more, it can be useful to have direct communication within the system to easily share links and refer to specific areas of the system.