Contract management AI is not something to be intimidated by. Its goal is not to eliminate jobs or replace valuable employees. Instead, it can add value to contract management software processes by transforming contracts and documents into building blocks for enhanced contract oversight, improved risk mitigation, and more proactive opportunity realization. It can lend a competitive edge by shifting the responsibility of employees from tedious data entry to valuable contract analytics. Organizations that embrace AI-based contract management can maximize growth opportunities and increase their software ROI.
The Future of Contract Management AI
By Joshua Hansen on 06/19/20
Smarter Contract Management with Contract Insight® 17.6.0!
By Sean Heck on 05/19/20
CobbleStone Software’s latest release, Contract Insight® Enterprise Version 17.6.0, has arrived with many new features and enhancements to improve your eSourcing and contract management software platform!
Contract Negotiations with Contract Insight® - A Plan for Victory
By Sean Heck on 05/7/20
The chess-like, back and forth nature of contract negotiations can create confusion and contract lifecycle inefficiencies. Without a centralized and well-organized system, organizations on both ends of the contract management chessboard become trapped, halted, and unsure of where they should move their next piece. A centralized, well-organized process can get the match moving again. Discover how contract management software can streamline contract negotiations.
Better Contract Writing with Contract Insight®
By Sean Heck on 04/30/20
Contract writing is an essential phase in the contract lifecycle. During the contract writing stage, contract parties put the terms of a contract into written copy. Inefficient contract writing processes often rely on scattered clauses, poor compliance management and version tracking, insufficient line item management, and a lack of unified contracts and subcontracts. These processes can lead to an organization that is hindered by error-prone contracts with missing clauses, missed key dates and milestones, and a decentralized process that impedes the contract lifecycle.