Companies of all sizes within both the public and private sectors often find themselves maneuvering multiple contracts at once - with said contracts progressing at various stages of the contract lifecycle. As such, they must build an efficient, organized, and cost-effective contract lifecycle management process that helps with all stages of the contract lifecycle. Read on to learn how to get started building a strong and centralized contract lifecycle process - as well as how this undertaking can be significantly simplified and improved with the right strategy, rather than the cheapest and most manual.
How Do I Build My Contract Lifecycle Management System?
By Sean Heck on 04/9/21
Embracing Contract Automation for Simpler Contract Task Management
By Sean Heck on 01/7/21
The health of the contract lifecycle relies upon efficient contract task management. Manual methods for completing contract tasks relating to pre-award and post-award contract lifecycle management can be error-prone, inefficient, and tedious - potentially decreasing your organization's ROI. Read this blog to learn how your organization can embrace streamlined and future-minded contract task management with AI-powered contract management software.
Small Business Contract Management Made Easy
By Joshua Hansen on 12/4/20
Are you a small business owner? Do you manage contracts in a small business? Regardless of the position or size of the small business you are a part of, contracts are integral to your organizational processes. From client contracts to employee contracts - among many others - small business contract management KPIs can be hindered by contract non-compliance, disorganized pre-award contract processes, missed contract renewal opportunities, and more – without the proper contract management system in place. Read this blog to learn how to transform your process for streamlined, user-friend, and success-driven small business contract management.
Developing a Contract Playbook with Contract Automation
By Sean Heck on 08/7/20
Proper contract management is vital for the health of an organization’s contract lifecycle. Despite the importance of forming a solid foundation for contracting, most organizations do not use a contract playbook. Considering that these tools for contract procedure establishment are instrumental in helping many departments within an organization to share a universal understanding of standard contract processes and improve contract performance, this is surprising. When a contract playbook is paired with leading contract management software, organizations are equipped with powerful tools for efficient, cost-effective, and organized contract management. Given the importance and under-use of contract playbooks, here is how organizations should establish them for next-level, automated contract management.