Professionals engaging in the contract management process can find themselves facing a myriad of challenges. Many of these challenges are born from a decentralized strategy and a lack of automated contract lifecycle management tools. Read this blog to discover five common contract management challenges and five leading solutions to those problems.
5 Contract Management Challenges and Practical Solutions
By Sean Heck on 11/9/21
We Give an Illustration That Shows the Stages in the Life of a Contract
By Sean Heck on 06/11/21
In order to get started with improving contract lifecycle management, there first needs to be an understanding of what exactly the contract lifecycle is - as well as how it progresses. To that end, we have provided an illustration that shows the stages in the life of a contract - as well as descriptions that give more insight into how each stage involves and can be managed with contract management software!
CobbleStone Contract Insight® 17.9.0: CLM Tools of Tomorrow - Today!
By Sean Heck on 05/24/21
CobbleStone® Software's latest release – CobbleStone Contract Insight® Enterprise Version 17.9.0 – is here, providing visionary CLM features and feature enhancements to bring your contract management software suite even further into the future!
How Do I Build My Contract Lifecycle Management System?
By Sean Heck on 04/9/21
Companies of all sizes within both the public and private sectors often find themselves maneuvering multiple contracts at once - with said contracts progressing at various stages of the contract lifecycle. As such, they must build an efficient, organized, and cost-effective contract lifecycle management process that helps with all stages of the contract lifecycle. Read on to learn how to get started building a strong and centralized contract lifecycle process - as well as how this undertaking can be significantly simplified and improved with the right strategy, rather than the cheapest and most manual.