Why Federal Contractors Need Contract Management Software

    By Sean Heck on 07/10/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    U.S. Federal Contractors - no matter which government agency or department they are contractually involved with - can face several challenges throughout the contract lifecycle.  With many different tasks to perform, there is a lot of room for errors or missteps that may lead to contract lifecycle bottlenecks, compliance challenges, regulatory violations, wasted time, and lost revenue.  Luckily, government contract management software can help.  Here’s how.

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    3 Ways to Improve Government Supply Chain RFPs

    By Sean Heck on 06/17/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Government supply chain management is a multi-faceted, involved process – including the handling of RFIs, RFPs, and RFQs.  Supply chain RFx management responsibilities may include accumulating vendor proposals, collecting quotes to compare vendors and contractors, establishing a database of vendors and contractors, signing off on approvals before selecting them, managing contracts, and much more.  Handling these different tasks with separate manual processes can make for a disorganized approach that can potentially lead to lost opportunities, supply chain lifecycle bottlenecks, improper vendor and contractor selection, wasted time, and revenue loss.  Luckily, integrated contract management software solutions can help.  Here are three ways to improve government supply chain RFPs.

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    5 Tools for Better Government Contract Management

    By Sean Heck on 06/8/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    As the end of the traditional local government fiscal year draws near, city, state, and other public agencies must make sure that they are leveraging their budgets by investing in software tools for streamlined, robust, and transparent contract management, purchasing, and sourcing for current and future needs.  Here are five tools that can be used for simple, user-friendly, and powerfully integrated government contract management, procurement, and sourcing processes.

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    5 Ways Better Contract Management Improves DBE Vendor Tracking

    By Jamie Reedy on 07/30/18

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    DBE supplier tracking becomes easier when the right tools are in place.

    Whether you’re a local municipality, city, state, or federal agency, chances are you have a goal defined for awarding contracts to disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). Government agencies operate on “good faith” that they will make the conscious effort to consider these businesses when awarding new contracts. The problem, like managing any other contract, is the work involved to ensure that all criteria is being met and certifications are processed.

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