Fast & Easy Contract Collaboration In 4 Simple Steps

    By Sean Heck on 07/29/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    In contract lifecycle management, efficient collaboration between stakeholders is a must.  Contract requests, renewals, and almost everything in between can involve many moving parts – with a high potential for inefficiency if adequate measures are not introduced.  In the interest of avoiding communication delays and contract lifecycle bottlenecks, organizations should leverage robust contract collaboration tools offered by leading contract management software.  Here are four steps to foster healthy and productive collaboration and expedite the contract lifecycle.

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    Contract Negotiations with Contract Insight® - A Plan for Victory

    By Sean Heck on 05/7/20

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    The chess-like, back and forth nature of contract negotiations can create confusion and contract lifecycle inefficiencies.  Without a centralized and well-organized system, organizations on both ends of the contract management chessboard become trapped, halted, and unsure of where they should move their next piece.  A centralized, well-organized process can get the match moving again.  Discover how contract management software can streamline contract negotiations.

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    A Step-By-Step Guide to Using Adobe Sign in Contract Insight®

    By Rosemary Shields on 01/11/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    CobbleStone Software’s leading-edge contract management software solution - CobbleStone Contract Insight® - allows users to centralize and navigate the contract lifecycle in one simple, configurable system.  The final stage of contract lifecycle management - contract signatures - can be streamlined with the use of eSignaturesIntelliSign® - CobbleStone Software's proprietary electronic signature software tool -  significantly expedites and simplifies signing, tracks each step in the process, and can cut send-to-sign time by up to twenty percent.  Users can be notified when a contract is ready for signing through automated workflows and real-time status updates.  A seamless eSignature integration with Adobe Sign makes the process even easier!  Here's how.

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